Urogynecology & Pelvic Health

我们在泌尿妇科和盆底功能障碍方面的专家都是使用先进技术的委员会认证专家, including reconstructive surgery, to treat pelvic floor disorders.

Female doctor examining female patient in the clinic
Female patient registration at front desk checking in

Why choose UCLA Health for pelvic medicine?

At the Center for Women’s Pelvic Health, we deliver comprehensive, 以女性骨盆内科和重建外科为重点的个体化护理. 患者受益于我们丰富的专业知识,先进的技术和同理心的方法. 我们经验丰富、富有同情心的员工在整个护理过程中为患者提供支持.

Highlights of our program include:

Physician expertise: 我们是一个有泌尿科医生和泌尿妇科医生的多专科中心. 我们所有的医生都获得了泌尿科或妇产科的认证,并获得了女性骨盆医学和重建外科的认证. 他们有多年的训练专门用于治疗女性盆底功能障碍, including bladder leakage, vaginal prolapse and more.

Full range of treatments: 我们提供盆底疾病的非手术和手术治疗, including pelvic reconstructive surgery. 我们的服务人员帮助开发了突破性的外科技术和医疗方法, 包括先进的机器人手术和微创技术来治疗尿失禁.

Compassionate care: 许多患者都不好意思寻求治疗盆底疾病. 我们的服务人员理解这一点,并以同情和同情的态度对待每一位女性.

Individualized treatment plans: Pelvic floor disorders affect women in many ways. 我们制定个性化的治疗计划,以满足每位女性的需求和偏好.

Our services

我们的盆腔医学团队为有盆腔健康问题的妇女提供先进、协调的护理. Our areas of care include: 

Center for Women’s Pelvic Health

妇女盆腔健康中心的专家为影响盆底的疾病提供广泛的治疗. 我们提供全方位的护理,从无创治疗到骨盆重建手术. 我们的团队会根据每位女性的需求制定个性化的护理计划.

Postpartum Pelvic Floor Health Program

Our team of urogynecologists, 盆底物理治疗师和盆底放射科医生一起工作来照顾分娩后的妇女. We treat all types of concerns, including third- and fourth-degree vaginal tears, bladder control issues, painful intercourse and wound complications.

我们的团队致力于帮助您在怀孕和分娩期间和之后优化盆底健康. We:

  • 教育并告知您有关影响盆底的问题以及如何预防盆底损伤
  • Evaluate and manage short-term effects of pregnancy, labor and birth, as well as potential long-lasting effects on your pelvic floor
  • Provide pelvic floor strengthening and rehabilitation

Pelvic floor disorders we treat

三分之一的女性在她们生命中的某个阶段经历过盆底紊乱. 当女性盆底肌肉减弱或结缔组织撕裂时,就会出现盆底功能障碍. Conditions we treat include:

Pelvic organ prolapse: 由于盆底肌肉和组织减弱,盆腔器官低于正常位置时发生. 最常见的症状之一是阴道肿胀、有压力或有沉重的感觉.

Urinary or fecal incontinence: 无法控制膀胱或肠子,导致尿或粪漏. Both conditions are more common in older women.  

Overactive bladder: 引起难以控制的频繁和突然的小便冲动. It’s more common in older women.

Neurogenic bladder: 当大脑、脊髓或神经问题影响膀胱控制时发生. 症状包括储存尿液或排空膀胱的问题, urinary incontinence and pelvic pain.

Urethral diverticulum: 尿袋沿着尿道形成的袋或袋,尿道是将尿液排出体外的管道. Symptoms may include burning while urinating, painful intercourse and dribbling of urine after urination.

Vaginal fistula: 阴道与其他器官(如膀胱或直肠)之间的不规则连接. It causes urinary or fecal incontinence. 

Urinary tract infections (UTI): 泌尿系统任何部位的感染,包括膀胱、尿道、输尿管和肾脏. 常见症状包括排尿时有烧灼感和尿中带血.

Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome: A chronic condition causing frequent bladder pressure or pain.

Urethral stricture: Narrowing of the urethra caused by scar tissue. It causes problems emptying the bladder.

Testing and treatments we offer for pelvic floor dysfunction

Our pelvic health team provides patient-focused education, comprehensive testing and treatment for pelvic floor disorders. Tests and treatment options include:

Diagnostic tests for pelvic floor disorders  

We use several tests to evaluate pelvic health, including:  

  • Uroflowmetry: Evaluates how quickly the body releases urine 
  • Post-void residual: Measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination
  • Multichannel urodynamics: Measures pressure in the bladder and abdomen
  • Videourodynamics: 在膀胱充盈和排空时检查膀胱和尿道
  • Cystoscopy: Examines the urethra and lining of the bladder
  • Pelvic floor ultrasound: Views the pelvic muscles and other structures in the pelvis

Pelvic surgery and treatment

我们为盆底疾病提供全方位的非手术和手术治疗. Treatments include:

Pelvic floor physical therapy: 这种专门的疗法训练病人加强或有意放松骨盆底肌肉.

Injections: 治疗方法包括注射肉毒杆菌毒素(Botox®)治疗过度活跃的膀胱或尿道膨胀剂,以治疗与咳嗽和体育活动相关的尿漏.

Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation: 这种非手术治疗包括将一根针放在腿上的神经(胫神经)附近并用电脉冲刺激它. 电脉冲传递到膀胱神经,帮助改善膀胱控制.

Sacral neuromodulation: 医生在你皮肤下的下脊柱神经(骶神经)上放置一个装置。. 这个装置用电脉冲刺激神经来改善膀胱控制.    

Minimally invasive surgery for pelvic organ prolapse: 外科医生通过一些小的腹部切口用小工具进行手术,将盆腔器官恢复到适当的位置.

Complex pelvic reconstruction: 这些矫正手术修复盆腔器官的不规则. 患者可通过盆腔重建术治疗盆腔器官脱垂, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain or interstitial cystitis and genitourinary fistula.

Meet our team

Looking for a urogynecologist near you? 我们经验丰富的护理人员为盆底疾病提供个性化、富有同情心的护理. We create comprehensive, 先进的治疗计划,以提高您的生活质量和盆腔器官功能. 

Find your care

我们的骨盆医学团队提供全面、富有同情心的护理. Call 833-825-2974 to learn more about our services.