
The UCLA Health Division of Nephrology leads the nation in groundbreaking research and innovative treatments for all types of kidney conditions.



作为公认的肾脏病服务的领导者, our experts help children and adults with a variety of kidney conditions. You’ll benefit from our vast experience and expertise in diagnosing and treating kidney disease and preserving kidney function. 我们的服务重点包括:

国家认可: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康肾脏病学排名第一. 西海岸排名第一,西海岸排名第二. 在美国,根据 U.S. News & World Report. 我们很自豪能在先进诊断方面引领全国, 世界级的护理, and effective treatments and 世界级的护理 for all types of kidney disease. You’ll receive outstanding, comprehensive care from top experts dedicated to your well-being.

协作护理: UCLA nephrologists work with specialists across departments to deliver accurate diagnoses, 有效治疗和全面护理. For example, specialists from nephrology and urology work together to offer innovative treatments in our kidney stone center.

开创性的研究: Our experts pioneer new treatments through ongoing research and life-changing clinical trials. We build on science to develop advances in diagnostics and create new therapies, 这对你来说意味着更好的结果. When you choose UCLA Health, you’ll have the expertise of a top medical center behind you.

强大的培训: 作为一个学术医疗中心, our experts train the next generation of nephrologists through two accredited fellowship programs. 我们很自豪能够帮助塑造肾病护理的未来.

顶级肾移植项目: 有着全国最好的治疗成功率, 我们的项目帮助患有复杂疾病的儿童和成人. We are one of the longest-running kidney transplant programs in the country. 我们每年进行的移植手术数量在全国名列前茅.


通过我们全面的肾病服务, we focus on meeting your needs with patient-centered care and effective treatments. Our goal is to educate and empower you while helping you feel better and live your healthiest life.

综合透析方案: We specialize in helping people with advanced stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). 我们的肾脏专家提供住院和门诊透析. 在圣莫尼卡门诊和世纪城透析中心, 我们为您提供方便, 简化获得透析服务的途径.

法布里病项目: Our team includes specialists from pediatrics, genetics, pain management, cardiology, and psychiatry. 我们共同努力帮助患有法布里病的儿童和成人. 我们专门提供教育, support and innovative treatments that improve quality of life and overall health.

肾脏健康计划: 我们在研究方面的专长, evaluation and treatment enables us to offer effective care for a range of kidney issues. 我们用传统的治疗方法来保存和改善肾功能, 比如透析, 先进的治疗方法.  

肾脏移植计划: As one of the most successful kidney transplant programs in the country, we are a major referral center for pediatric and adult kidney transplants. 我们的成绩一直高于全国平均水平. Through our 康妮弗兰克肾移植中心,我们为需要移植的患者提供全天候的无缝护理.

患者支持和教育: Through our CORE肾脏健康计划,我们帮助您管理肾脏健康. We offer diet and lifestyle changes, education, and integrative medicine. 在我们众多互助小组中的一个, you can share your experiences with others and gain inspiration from people with a range of nephrology conditions.

多囊肾病(PKD)项目: We collaborate with specialists across many departments to deliver well-rounded, expert care. 我们的团队提供一系列的服务和治疗. These include everything from genetic testing and dietary counseling to hemodialysis and advanced surgical treatments.


Our nephrology experts treat the full spectrum of kidney conditions, disorders, and diseases.

慢性肾病(肾病): Kidney disease happens when your kidneys cannot filter waste from your blood. 这可能是由许多不同的情况造成的, 包括1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病, 未经治疗的高血压和复发性肾脏感染. 如果不治疗,肾脏疾病会导致肾衰竭.

Alport综合征: This genetic disorder causes kidney disease, hearing loss and eye abnormalities.

电解质失衡: 肾脏维持体内矿物质的平衡. These minerals, or electrolytes, include sodium, potassium, and calcium. When the kidneys don’t work like they should, electrolyte levels can get too high or dip too low. This imbalance can lead to fatigue, fast heartrate, vomiting and seizures.

法布瑞氏症: 这种遗传性疾病会导致一系列症状, 包括肾脏问题, chronic pain, 视力变化和心脏损伤.

肾小球肾炎: 这种情况发生在肾脏的过滤器, 称为肾小球, 变得发炎和受损. Several conditions can cause glomerulonephritis, including lupus and some infections.

肾结石: Hard deposits of minerals and salts can clump together in the kidneys, leading to severe pain. Kidney stones can result from dehydration, obesity, unhealthy diet, and certain medications.

多囊肾病(PKD): An inherited condition that causes fluid-filled bumps (cysts) to grow on the kidneys.


We specialize in a range of treatments for all types of kidney disease. UCLA nephrologists combine effective therapies with healthy habits and lifestyle changes to help you feel your best.

Dialysis: 我们在几个地方提供住院和门诊透析. During hemodialysis, a special machine removes and filters waste from your blood. Peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of your belly to filter your blood while it’s in your body. 我们也提供持续的肾脏替代疗法, 24小时透析,不断过滤血液.

饮食和生活方式的改变: 通过教育, 营养咨询和支持, 我们的肾病专家和营养师帮助您做出更明智的选择. Our goal is to give you the tools you need to take control of your health.

Medications: Our specialists work with you to manage kidney problems with several types of medications. These may include vitamins, supplements, or drugs to treat high blood pressure. If you have kidney stones, you may need drugs to help you pass the stones.

微创治疗: We specialize in several procedures to break up or remove kidney stones. These procedures use small incisions or nonsurgical shock wave technology, 这样可以缩短恢复时间.  

肾移植: Our nationally recognized kidney transplant program offers several options for children and adults who need a kidney transplant. Through our 肾脏交换计划,我们提供肾脏交换、肾脏连锁和肾脏代金券选择.


Our nephrology specialists are leaders in research and treatments for all types of kidney disease. 凭借多年的专业知识,我们的团队提供世界一流的护理.

Contact us

Call 310-825-2631皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肾病专家预约.


As leaders in nephrology, our experts are here to deliver exceptional care. Call 310-206-6741 安排预约.